Here is for the month of February and this is my exclusive valentine gift to our Blowtechy fans.
Here is a simple trick to using MTN facebook Zero on your PC.
I shared a software called Simple Server in my previous post on how to use MTN night plan during the day. You can check it via the link below
1. Download Simple Server
2. Then configure ya browser/application e.g mozzila.
Tools--->Options---Advance--->Network-->Settings: Under HTTP proxy use:
I.P:, Port: 8080 and MARK "use for all protocol"
3. Plugin your modem to your pc. Or use any connection to MTN network you have. Under your modem software interface. Create NEW MESSAGE and follow any of d method below:

Method 1: Send FB0/fb0(zero digit) to 131 via ya modem interface as many times as possible[sim selective]

Method 2 : Send FB0/fb0 to 131 once as soon as it stop browsing, Send STOP/stop to 131 and resend FB0/fb0 to 131 again continuously as this happen[Non sim selective]
4. Go to the folder downloaded. You will see SS.exe & SS.ini, double click on SS.exe. A command window will open... Just wait for some seconds for it to load... Then minimize it and connect your modem... Open your browser. I recommend Mozilla Firefox and browse any website you like.


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